Öffnungszeiten des Sekretariats am Freitag, den 5.7. und in den Ferien. 8:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr.
Aufgrund eines Blitzeinschlages ist unsere Telefonanlage defekt. Wir sind per Mail unter office@gymnasium-saalfelden.at erreichbar. Voraussichtliche Dauer des Defektes ist bis 23.07.

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Homeschoolweek 2020

27.02.2020 //

Last week’s English project week was a total success. Our third graders had the opportunity to enjoy a week of different workshops and English lessons with native speakers from around the world. They discussed topics like culture, globalisation and environmental issues, among others. Our students created sketches, a climate strike, picture stories and dance performances which ended with an outstanding presentation in our school gym. We are already looking forward to our encounter with EPW next year.
