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The Little Prince – English Theatre

19.03.2024 // Allgemein

Gestern fand an unserer Schule die Aufführung der Vienna‘s English Theatre Schooltours für unsere 3. und 4. Klassen statt. Das Theaterstück "The Little Prince", eine Adaption des Klassikers von Anthoine de Saint-Exupéry, hat den Schülerinnen und Schülern sehr gut gefallen, wie die folgenden Kommentare der 4a zeigen:

“The beginning was very interesting because they played different instruments like the guitar and the transverse flute. The Little Prince's story was presented in a modern and new way. The four actors often changed their clothes very fast and played their roles very well. In between there were dance performances and they sang some songs; also, the audience was integrated into the play, which was sometimes very funny. All in all, the show was very cool, and I think most of the kids liked it.”

“The actors were good, especially the guy. Also, most of them were quite self-confident. The story was told in an interesting way, often through flashbacks or retrospectively told stories.”

“I think the play was made very well, if you think that there were four actors doing it. The scenery was nice, it wasn’t too much but also not just nothing; it was perfect for the stage we had. The different scenes were very creative and played very well. From singing to telling stories there was pretty much everything, so it surely made everyone happy. Like almost everyone I also had the book, so it was pretty nice to see something so creative and it brought back memories from when my mum read it to me when I was a little kid. In summary you can say that it’s a story everyone likes, so I’m sure that most will agree that the play was really good.”

Wir bedanken uns bei der @schooltoursgroup_redc für ihren Besuch!