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ERGEBNISSE- HIB Wintermeisterschaft 2025 Danke für die zahlreiche Teilnahme und Gratulation zu euren tollen Leistungen! (Bilder)(Langlauf Bilder)


02.02.2019 // Allgemein - Sprachen

Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an dem Helbling MORE!-Englisch-Aufsatzwettbewerb:

Simon Bürgler (3C) wird Regional Writing Champion

Einige Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der 3A und 3C nahmen in diesem Semester an dem Helbling MORE!-Englisch-Aufsatzwettbewerb teil und wurden für ihre tollen Beiträge mit einem Certificate of achievement belohnt.

Dieser Wettbewerb fand bundesweit statt und es wurden aus den knapp 1800 Einsendungen jeweils die besten fünf Beiträge pro Schulstufe und Bundesland ermittelt.

Simon Bürgler aus der 3C gehört zu diesen Preisträgern und wurde als Regional Champion für seine exzellente Arbeit mit einem Writing excellence certificate und einem tollen Schreibset belohnt.

Wir gratulieren Simon herzlich und freuen uns mit ihm!
Mag. Brigitte Hausmann

Simons Siegertext:

The day the music died

Once upon a time there were two brothers who loved music. They were very poor, so they only owned one old violin which didn’t work well.

One day when they went to a big concert, they were fascinated by the beautiful sounds the band's instruments produced. They had never heard sounds like these before. They wanted to have these instruments. But they didn't have enough money.

After the concert, on their way home, they heard a strange sound. They followed it to a hut in the forest. They were very scared. Still, they opened the door and couldn't believe their eyes. There were the instruments they had seen at the concert. They couldn't see anyone, so they took the instruments and started to play. Suddenly, they could play as well as the band.

They decided to steal the instruments. They took them home. At home they were playing the whole night. Unfortunately, they didn't realize that while they were playing, all the other instruments in this world started to break. The more instruments broke the better they played. When the sun was rising in the morning there was no instrument left in this world. The magic of the beautiful instruments they had stolen destroyed all the sounds in the world.

That was the day the music died.